Irish Landscape Institute(ILI)-- 爱尔兰景观学会



  The Irish Landscape Institute is the professional body representing Landscape Architects in Ireland, governed by a Constitution and a Code of Professional Conduct. The Institute has a membership of 160, made up of fellows and full members, graduate members, student members, honorary members and affiliates. ILI is a registered member of both EFLA (European Foundation for Landscape Architecture) and IFLA (International Federation of Landscape Architects).

  The ILI aims to:

  Set standards of excellence in the fields of landscape planning, landscape architecture and landscape management.

  Encourage and facilitate the Continued Professional Development of its members.

  Increase public awareness of landscape professionals and their work.

  Support the interaction of landscape architecture with related disciplines such as engineering, architecture and planning.

  Support the development of landscape education at all levels in Ireland.

  In promoting knowledge of the profession, the Institute runs a lecture series, which is generally free and open to non-members and associated professionals. Conferences are held regularly, and the ILI Awards are held bi-annually, honoring excellence in the fields of landscape planning, design and management.